Every day over and over again, the same thing from year to year, all the days so vary grey. Years of your life pace board and working and going to school trying to get out of the rut you have always been in from year to year. Many days past color is fading, and cheerful sounds are flying away.
Don’t every day just seam like the same over and over again like you are in a loop from time to time. Today's plan wake up, get ready go to school come home eat, do home work and go to bed and start it all over. Don’t it just sound like a amazing life to live, or don’t it just make you mad sad or just no thought at all and that thinks the same things from day to day also. You work on the weekends and make that the same after the same. What a boring life to leave hoping some color will pop in. thinking about random things, then think about your life and get a blank screen. Read a book in school but just hear random sounds, blaa blaa blaa blaa bla blaaaa, radaaa radaaa radaaa. How to add some color in your life so you start by trying to do something different but it just ends up to be the same thing no mater what you try. Some day you do something really amazing, and astonishing, like maybe flying a plan but after that day you trip rite down the creak in the earth were you fell once before and over and over.
After time in school or work you well start to fell like your in jail and, this is the turning point of were your color of your thoughts fall down the drain and only then it all grey from there. Just a little bit of color still in the world out of reach outside watching kids laph and play. Piling homework wondering when it's going to end but it never really seams to end because what it seams like is that you're stuck on the same day. Year after year you try to get out of the rut that you have failed to escape, trying to climb out but you dug your self to deep. You still have a little life in you though but they were secrets you have hold for many years even before you ever fell down. Writing things after another trying to think of more words to get out of this thought of the rut but even talking out of it is hard. Once a advise that you should never repeat what you do yester day just start a day like you would a new life. Not by going Scio but just make it a little different. You start to find a way out of the rut by something you like to do every day and it's different then normal but it brakes and you trip and once again falling in to the same stupid rut.
You try one more time and you finely get out of the rut for longer then ever and start living again. You start to do things you have never done before and forget some of the things you have done and the ones you once watched living a happy life you have settled with the too. What was a happy day became a happy new year after year that you started living again until all went wrong then you lost every thing and was shoot down back to your dark whole. Losing everything starting back to your rut and wondering if you should even care any more about escaping what you once escaped until the worse became the madding and madding became the worse of every thing that you wouldn't even speck of what tardiest thing happened. You might not even know these days either your just so used to the same old rut. Once you have a final smell of the rut you finally decide to jump out of the rut and start running away from it by finely doing different things and having some different things to do at different times but still a little stuck in the rut but working you're way out until your finished.
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